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Welcome to Andover's best holistic physical therapy clinic.
HEALTH is all about FEEL and FUNCTION. If you feel well and function optimally, you're in a healthy, harmonious, energy efficient state that we can call NATURAL BALANCE. Achieving this is constant work in progress, fine-tuning as we go. And every so often we all need a little help along the way.
With over 25 years' experience and regularly updated skills we offer advanced soft tissue therapies, massage treatments, Bowen therapy, yoga classes and more, to help you along your journey and provide lasting solutions to common issues such as:

back pain

neck pain

sports injuries

shoulder pain / frozen shoulder

pelvic and spinal misalignment

muscle aches & spasms

trapped nerves

postural problems

joint problems

headaches & migraines

workplace injuries

repetitive strain injuries

stress and anxiety

and many other common ailments

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